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Things to do on the woodS and Meadow campsite

Things to do on the Woods & Meadow campsite

With 20 acres of meadow, woodland and A stream to play with, campers and their kids wonโ€™t be bored!

campsite activities in sussex uk

Lots to do on the campsite

So much fun for all!

โ€œWhat is a Slackline?โ€

The aim is to balance on the line and walk along it. Unlike tightrope walking, the line is not supposed to be absolutely rigid. Instead it is preferable to have some slack in the line (hence the name of the sport) which allows the line to move a little as the Slackliner walks along it.ย 

Tug of WAR!

Nothing gets the competitive juices flowing more than campsite tug of war, our wardens will walk around on a Saturday evening and ask if you are interested in participating in a tug of war, normally Kids V Grown ups and as the different tribes clash the laughter ripples across the campsite.

For that fleeting moment you are transported to your youth where nothing else matters but winning and working together!

campsite tug of war game
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habitat hunt

Dotted across the 20 acre campsite, hidden within the flowers, ferns, trees and long meadow grasses, your intrepid explorers will be entertained for hours hunting for the campsite’s local inhabitants. Each animal carries a letter, join all the letters together to decipher the code and claim the prize. For our older explorers the clues become harder, as does the code. Carved animals have never been so much fun!

Scramble net fun !

Scramble Net is great for developing childrenโ€™s climbing skills, agility and motor skills.

A climbing net is the perfect way to develop childrenโ€™s hand-eye coordination while they play in the woods, creating these magical spaces for kids to explore their physical strength and balance. We also build in problem solving, “how do l get in?” oops, “how do l get out?” and we believe children can become more confident and capable little humans when left to their own intuition.

cargo net

Swing it


“It don’t mean a thing if it ain’t got that swing”. Some of our best childhood memories are based on finding and making our own fun, so we have hidden plenty of swings; some traditional like the photo, others are made from old tractor tyres or long run and jump knotted lines. Most evenings you can hear kids across the site shouting and laughing with uninhibited joy.

den building

Children love dens! Making them, breaking them, participating in make-believe play in them; itโ€™s great for childrenโ€™s health, fitness and general wellbeing. It involves lots of physical movement and exercise as children work, collecting their materials, stretching and reaching to build their den and then engaging in active role play. So we have left plenty of cord wood, scrub, ferns, Camouflage netting, and that magic ingredient to tie it all together – para-cord. We say go wild, design, build and break, then repeat.

den building

The crack of leather on willow

Balmy summer days, the sun is dropping, waves of BBQ smoke weave across the meadow, you will often hear the shouts of “how’s that?” as the crack of leather on willow resonates across pop up campsites. If you prefer your field games with a little more punch then cross campsite camper Rounders Challenge is for you. It requires one set of families pitching against another, hopefully total strangers, mix in afternoon drinking and fully sugared kids and it’s tribal!ย 



Foraging courses

Foraged food has that certain odour of self satisfaction, tapping into forgotten knowledge that was generally handed down through the generations, so that if life as we know it ground to a halt, we could return to our natural state of being nature’s Borrowers. Alternative view points, foraging is great fun, you are outside chatting and learning about what is under your feet that you can eat. Skills you can definitely pass on to your friends and family.

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Hop and Hare Farm

Land off, Stonestile Ln,


TN35 4PH